WOOOOW! My last blog post was in September of 2010!?!?!? I find that so hard to believe! I mean, has it been that long? Well I am soooo sorry if it was. Things seem to be going by so fast! Since my last blog I moved into the city, got my very own cute 1 bedroom apartment, partied waaaay too much and drank waaay too much! LOL! I enrolled back into school to get my aesthetics license. To be honest, I was offered a job at CNN a while ago to be a makeup artist on staff. I did this lady's makeup at the counter one day and she was so impressed, she ended up coming to me at least once or twice a week. For some reason she had issues with pulling out her lashes and brows... I think it's a condition that she has. (I heard of people doing that but never saw it until then) But anyway, I had no idea that she was a newscaster for CNN. She loved the way I painted on her brows and placed her lashes, so she wanted me there! She gave me the number for the person who is over the makeup and hair for CNN. I was super duper excited! I called the next day and the woman was waiting for my call. The newscaster told her about me already! In my head I am thinking, "Wow... I am getting this job!" Hahaha! Think again. The head of the makeup and hair dept. at CNN asked if I had an Aesthetics license or Cosmetology license... I had to tell her no. No, I don't have any credentials for makeup artistry because my momma just spent 25K to put me through school for MEDIA PRODUCTION!!!!! I have been on this long journey to get back into school. It's been at least 4 years that I have been told no, no, no! My job wouldn't allow me to go to school due to scheduling. My bills wouldn't allow me to get back to school because of my life style. And on top of that, I had an outstanding loan that was preventing me from enrolling back into school. One day my full time job FIRED ME! Gave me the boot chile! YESSSSSSSSSS! The best day of my life! I walked into AIA and went to the Financial Aid office to see how I could get back into school. The lady in the Financial Aid office looked at my folder and said , " You're Edythe Parrish?!? Finally I get to meet you! I have been looking at your file now for 2 years! I am going to get you into school today." I am so grateful to her. I went into her office that Tuesday and in the same week I was attending orientation. I know this is kind of a long drawn out story but I am so happy! This is what I have been called to do since the beginning. Me being young and not knowing really where I was going, made my journey a little bit longer that I expected. I am telling this story just to prove that PERSISTENCE CAN TAKE YOU THE EXTRA MILE. Who knew that it would take me so long to fulfill my dream of being a licensed, qualified makeup artist/esthetician. I am finally studying what I love. I love knowing more about the skin and face and makeup! I am in love with the girls that I go to school with! I adore my instructors because they care. I am happy now! I can't wait to see what's next in my future. We may have a time line for our lives, but our creator has the ultimate say so =) I PROMISE to do better with the blog! More events, tips and stories of what's going on in my world and the world of makeup, hair, nails and a little bit of fashion! I can't wait! Tootles!!!!!!
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