So I have been natural now for about a year and a half. All this time while I was transitioning from relaxed to natural, I was either wearing a wig or a weave. I didn't want to look crazy with half a fro and half straight permed hair. So you know me! I was straight 18 inching my weaves looking like a million bucks if you ask me! I had Curly, Straight, Loosely Curled Waves! If the chop shop sold it, I wore it! Well the summer hit... Atlanta was every bit of 97 degrees with a heat index of about 110 degrees. Every time I would go outside with a wig or weave I would want to pass the hell out! OMG! I couldn't do it anymore. So I looked at my hair... It was pretty much grown out. I mean I was all the way natural... (To the point that I kinda looked like Kizzy Kente'...) I tried all kinds of products to straighten my hair and make it manageable. 1.) NO ONE PERSON HAS THE SAME HAIR TEXTURE AS YOU. GOD MADE US ALL UNIQUELY DIFFERENT. SO WITH THAT BEING SAID YOU HAVE TO FIND OUT WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. So I finally found a style that was pretty. I got a lot of compliments and I was pleased that I could wear and go. The style I chose to wear was a rod set. My hair is more wavy than curly. So the rods helped create a curly look that I wanted and it last about 2 weeks. Only one thing, Rods take at least 1.5 hours to do if someone else is doing it. It takes me about 2.5 hours to rod my hair and another 2.5 hours to dry!!!!!! What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not today!!! I have a hot date this afternoon and there is no time to rod set my hair.
Fast Forward to a couple days ago. Which now brings up the question.... How do you keep your natural hair together when you are either working out, in the club or having great steamy sex.... LOL! I had an incident the other night that had my hair stuck to my pillow and I was not cute afterwards! My hair was bouncy, light and fluffy in the beginning! Huge #FAIL after a few hours of "working out." So listen up! This is going to help my natural sisters!!! I had to trial and error on all 3! I got the answers though. These activities will get you in a quick SNATCH PATCH HAIR STYLE if you are not careful! These are some of the tips that I have for you to keep your hair regulated.
1. Wash your hair at least once a week. When you work out, or sweat in your scalp this causes a salty residue that dries out your hair and makes it hard and for some hair types even brittle. I use a mild conditioning shampoo. Sometimes I wash my hair with just conditioner. It doesn't strip your hair so much if you have a dry more coarse hair type.
2. If you sweat a lot, tie your hair up in sections. Now for me, I do 4 sections especially if I am going to the gym. It keeps my roots taunt and tight so that my hair wont wave up. I also use a silk scarf and tie it tight around the front of my hair so my edges stay smooth. Make sure you pin the ends of your hair away from your scalp. I usually do loose knots.
3. If you have a McHottie coming over, pull your natural hair into a taunt pony tail. Use some edge control and tie a cute bandana or nice head ban around your head to secure your edges. BUT if you want to look extra cute and sexi. Put in a Long drawstring Phony Pony! AND WHIP YOUR HAIR BACK AND FORTH! (Make sure it's secure... You know how wild you can get. And no man wants to be freaked out about your phony pony) This style also works if you plan to go to the club where you might be dancing, drinking and perspiring.
4. Don't do anything to your hair until you know its completely dry. Your hair will swell if you take it down while your hair is still wet or damp. It all depends on how thick your hair is. I usually work out at night because I know I can wear my hair like this to bed.
Some of the products I use to keep the puff away is Aveda's Anti-Humectant Pomade, along with Jojoba oil and Taliah Waajid's Healing Oyl. I noticed that when my hair has some oil to it, I don't puff up as easily. But when I blow it dry and don't put any heavy oils in it, my hair is so pretty, light and fluffy! It only last a day though because I sweat in my scalp badly. My natural friend also hipped me to the dry shampoo! This helps my natural look last longer and it keeps your hair fresh and clean. I use Bumble and Bumble Black Hair Powder. It works! Especially in this HOTLANTA HUMID HEAT! It's like hell here!
I hope that this blog helps some of my natural sista's! Keep in touch! Please share my blog and let me know what you think!!!! I like questions and suggestions for my blog. You can e-mail me at hermosamakeup@gmail.com
Smooches XOXOXOX,
I LOVE IT! Great post...I just might have to try this dry shampoo...
ReplyDeletePLEASE DO HUN BUN! Thanks for checkin out the blog!
ReplyDeleteVery informative entry love!