I am LOVING the new but old fall trends of 2010! Fabulous thick brows and luscious crimson lips will draw good attention to your face right away. I have a few tips and products that I love and I know that you will love too. So here they are!
Go for the brow! I love emphasizing the brow and the brow bone! I really dislike dark eyebrows on women though. Sometimes even with dark or black hair, if you have super black brows it looks waaay too harsh and sometimes ages the look of your face. Try to lighten up a little with Smashbox's Brow Tech! I am a fan of their auburn when my hair is lighter in the summer time. I usually lighten my brows when my hair is lighter. In the fall and winter months I use their brunette because I go back to my naturally darker hair color.
In the fall my skin gets a bit dryer. But, I still like the convenience of powder. It is easy to put on in the car while I am driving and it gives me full coverage. But sometimes I look cakey and with my skin being dry it's not a good look. So I love the convenience again of MAC Cosmetics Fix Plus. Put on the desired amount of powder on your face (medium to full coverage). Once you have done that, spray your face with the fix plus. What this does is lock in the moisture and it sets your makeup. It also gives the face a nice glow. You can use this product in the summer too as a nice refresher. Put it in the cooler while you are at the beach. When you get extra heated, cool down by spraying all of your face. You will notice a pretty glow to your face!
It is all about the eye liner this fall! Dramatic but yet subtle cat eyes that accentuate the shape of your eyes are perfect!!! My take is if you are going to do it this fall, do it with color!! I am so tired of black, brown and grey! Try some new colors for the fall like plum, emerald greens and steel shiny khols. I love the cat eyes when they are soft. So don't do the liquid eyeliner all under the eye. Find a nice shadow that will softly blend in with the liquid eye liner. My favorite brush in the world is the Laura Mercier Smudge Brush. It is so small that it keeps the smudge in place so that you can control it.
(Notes: I am over matte red lips glam them up with some gloss! I say go red and make it juicy with MAC Cosmetics Lip Glass)
I hope that you enjoyed the preview of the fall fashions for this year. I will have more to come your way soon! Until then, don't forget to "Unleash the beauty within..."
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