It doesn't take a genius to know that men are attracted to what looks good and feels good. It's in their nature! Well, I am going to give you some tips on things men really like that are in this particular category. Smooth and soft skin that glows and smells good. Men love skin they can touch and smell and doesn't feel like theirs!
Don't think that men like the sweet and fruity scents that you overdose on at Victoria Secrets or Bath& Body Works. You will be surprised to find out what men really like and what gets them going when it comes to your skin, the scents and the feel.
Clean Scents
Men seem to like that just-out-of-the-shower feeling. More Men said 2 thumbs up to Christian Dior’s orchid-infused J’adore, claiming it smelled natural. Also scents that have a soft citrus scents like grapefruit clear their senses and get men more aroused. I think lighter and more citrus scents go well for the spring and summer time. It guarantees that you remain fresh and light throughout the day. So keep these scents around and refresh with a purse spray for the longer days @ work. Right before you get out of the car spray a little on the back of your knee cap and right behind your ear. Make sure you don't rub your fragrance into your skin. It bruises the scent and causes it to fade away quicker. If you really want your scent to last throughout the day, LAYER! LAYER! LAYER! Bathe with a note that matches your fragrance or buy the lotion that goes with your favorite scent.
Woody and Floral Scents
Don’t think that perfumes that have musky, spicy or woody notes are a turn off to men either. The notes may sound a little manish, but these multi-layered scents smell great on you. These scents are very sensual and passionate to men. White pepper, patchouli and amber blend of Christian Lacroix Rouge is an absolute go for a steamy night! I usually like wearing heavier scents in the winter. It tends to warm up a chilly night. However, heavier scents tend to change in the summer due to our body temperature being warmer. So kinda avoid wearing notes that are warmer or spicier in the summer time. Also stay away from the sugary cookie smelling notes. The one note that men do go crazy for is vanilla. But ease up on the sugar cookie vanilla scents. It tends to give them a headache! LOL!
Body Butter
When a man caresses you, he wants to feel the suppleness and softness of a woman. With that being said always exfoliate. All women should remain hair free on their legs and other areas such as buttocks and chest area! It is not cool for your man to touch you and feel more hair on you than he has on his body!!!! So, with that being said I have a few products that you will in enjoy.Laura Mercier has rich and creamy body scrubs that leave your skin looking and feeling wonderful! Try Laura's Almond Coconut Scrub! It smells divine and its very subtle. Also make sure that you scrub your booty and the back of your arms. The small bumps that are on your skin is from a skin condition that you can treat with Alpha Hydroxy products. Pat your skin dry and follow up with a creamy body cream or butter.
For the hairy ladies out there. If waxing is a bit painful for you, try VEET hair removal! It is the absolute best and I use it! It melts away hair in a matter of seconds! Don't leave it on your skin for more than 3 min because it will irritate your skin.
*Note* I like to do a body scrub on my legs first, rinse off and then shave. This helps to make your legs glow and it also lifts the hair so that you can get a closer shave!
Okay ladies I hope that he enjoys!
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